- Violin
To nurture passionate and skilled Violinists in South Indian Classical Music by providing high–quality education to become a versatile and accomplished musician.
We aim to produce versatile and influential Violinists in South Indian Classical Music who are ambassadors of cultural enrichment for the arts. Through dedication to artistic integrity, creativity and collaboration through and our innovative teaching methods, we envision a future where our graduates are celebrated for their artistry and the impact they create in the world of music.
Code of Ethics
- Students must treat Peers, Faculty and Staff with respect
- Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism in all interactions including rehearsals, lessons and performances
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited
- Students must be punctual and regular in attending all classes, class tests and examinations.
- The students who are late will be marked absent.
- The students are not allowed to go out after the attendance is taken.
- The Violin students must follow the dress code of the Music Department.
- Students are requested to perform class assignments through Google classroom and other platforms on time.
- The Violin instrument needs to be brought during each class. The student won’t be allowed to sit in the class without the violin.
- All the assignments are graded and will be considered during overall performance analysis of each semester.
- Any concerns with regard to the class should be discussed with the faculty first.
- Classroom interaction is very important, you are expected to respond actively in all discussions.
- In classes where, prior reading and practices required, it is expected that students should have read the text and practice the practical aspects before coming to the class.
- Students are expected to be updated about the theory and practical lessons of the Violin which is taught in their absence.
- If the student is sick prior information needs to be communicated to the class teacher.
- The students are expected to contact the teacher in person for their further clarification /slow learners coaching.
- Slow learners coaching will be held during 4-4.30 whenever it is conducted