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Internal Committee for the Students with Disabilities

The ICFSWD (Internal Committee for the Welfare of Students with Disabilities) is committed to promoting inclusivity and support for students with disabilities at our college. The committee works to ensure that the needs of these students are met through accessibility assessments, resource allocation, and individualized support plans. Essential provisions such as accessible toilets, ramps, and elevators are available on campus to ensure easy mobility and accessibility for students with disabilities. Additionally, the committee provides assistance during exams, such as arranging for scribes or extra time when necessary, to create a fair testing environment.

Through workshops and awareness programs, the committee also educates the college community about the rights and capabilities of students with disabilities, encouraging a culture of respect and empathy. By advocating for the welfare of these students and implementing practical solutions, the ICFSWD Committee strives to create an equitable educational landscape where all students, regardless of ability, can succeed and thrive.

S. NoNameDesignation
1Mr. S.T. Murthi, Asso. Prof. of MridangamNodal Officer
2Dr. G.J. Leema Rose, Asst. Prof. of BharatanatyamMember
3Mrs. P. Rajathi, Junior AssistantMember
4Mr. M. Krishna Moorthy, ParentMember
5Ms. B. Bala Karthika, B.A. III yr. BharatanatyamStudent Member
6Mr. S. Jamesvasanth, B.A. I yr. Vocal MusicStudent Member
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